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Variety: Red Catuai

Process: Fully washed; after a brief 72 hour anaerobic ripening, then coffee is depulped, fermented, and washed

Drying: Sundried on patio raised beds

Elevation: 1525 MASL

Producer: Yulissa Chambi

Region: San Lorenzo, Caranavi province, La Paz department

Origin: Bolivia

Notes: Red Plum, Pear, Date


Coffee has been in Bolivia for hundreds of years, but now a new generation of coffee farmers dedicated to producing high-quality coffee are taking the stage in Bolivia. Yulissa is just 23 years old working on her university degree, but with a family that has been growing coffee in the Yungas region for over 60 years, and government funding for young coffee professionals, she has hand-produced this beautiful lot, that made it to the international market, overcoming challenges of Bolivia being a landlocked country. Her brother, Felix Chambi, through his leadership role at the San Juan cooperative has become an important figure, helping producers with the logistics of moving coffee to the dry-mill where quality and traceability are protected during the preparation for export. 

Bolivia Yulissa Chambi Red Catuai Washed

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